Friday, October 3, 2008

Intramurals are back!

Please encourage your students to participate in intramurals this year. We will be having coed volleyball and basketball "seasons" between now and November 10th. We will have another basketball "season" in the spring, as well as a soccer "season". Any McNary student can participate except in season athletes. Good grades are not a requirement. We are looking for perfect attendance and no disciplinary actions on game days. The program is targeting those at-risk students who need to feel connected to the school some how. If you or your students have questions, please contact me (room 255) or Marlo Cleary (gym).If you want to help with these or any other intramural activities please let us know. Thanks, Dawn Reichle Bailon

1 comment:

The Gunter Clan said...

Dawn and Marlo are incredible! Students are always talking about their games. Thanks for doing this.

Mr. Parker

Mr. Parker
Do you have students that may be interested in Mock Trial? Have them visit this friendly guy today!

Photos of an AVID class

Photos of an AVID class
Mrs. Sonis, Olson, Taveras, and Burlingame listen to Mr. Somerville teach the AVID students about the Socratic Seminar

Mrs. Taveras and Ms. Olson

Mrs. Taveras and Ms. Olson
Collaboration of two English Teachers

What should this blog be used for?