Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ms. Dora loves blogging!

(Erik paid me to do this.)

But seriously, this is a fabulous resource and a swell way to share ideas without increasing the steady flow of emails. By the way, for those of you who have not set up a personal website, might I make a suggestion? Classjump. It's free, it's easy to set up, and students can use it to catch up when they're absent from class (that means much less of "what did I miss?"). I'm a huge fan.

Check out my page and those of several other Celtic staff at

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Mr. Parker

Mr. Parker
Do you have students that may be interested in Mock Trial? Have them visit this friendly guy today!

Photos of an AVID class

Photos of an AVID class
Mrs. Sonis, Olson, Taveras, and Burlingame listen to Mr. Somerville teach the AVID students about the Socratic Seminar

Mrs. Taveras and Ms. Olson

Mrs. Taveras and Ms. Olson
Collaboration of two English Teachers

What should this blog be used for?