Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jim has a great question...Can some of you help me out with it?

Is there a way for each teacher or individual department to have their own "spawn" off the main blog? Better yet, are we going to have a Celtic Blog for student access where we could do the same? I am assuming that the blog is for faculty only. I have friends in California who have begun using a school blog and are having big gains with attitude and timeliness because parents and students have access to information at all hours.
Thanks, Jim


Harris said...

Try classjump. Here's the link to my website; you can browse other class sites there as well.

Erik Jespersen said...

That's a great idea. I think I'll set up a section in the blog that will link classjump sites according to the subject area. Thanks Julie.

Mr. Parker

Mr. Parker
Do you have students that may be interested in Mock Trial? Have them visit this friendly guy today!

Photos of an AVID class

Photos of an AVID class
Mrs. Sonis, Olson, Taveras, and Burlingame listen to Mr. Somerville teach the AVID students about the Socratic Seminar

Mrs. Taveras and Ms. Olson

Mrs. Taveras and Ms. Olson
Collaboration of two English Teachers

What should this blog be used for?